
Certified  CNVC Trainer since 2004

The process of Nonviolent Communication was developed by Marshall Rosenberg PhD. with the aim of:

  • Standing up for one's own concerns and deeper values and needs instead of fighting against one's "enemy".
  • To deal with resistance and attacks in a more open and constructive way
  • To initiate change with people instead of against them

Module 1

Shaping Change with People - Not  Against Them
  • Addressing people and situations in a way that enhances cooperation and connection
  • Clarifying one's own goals, concerns and deeper needs and interests

Module 2

Listen and Clarify What is Not Being Said
  • Deal confidently with criticism, attacks,... and de-escalate
  • Enhance a mutual sense of safety and the ability to create solutions together

Module 3

Dealing with Differences and Conflicts Respectfully and Confidently

"Being controlled by others I am not only when someone oppresses or dominates me,
but also when I allow myself to be provoked and seduced into a behaviour that I have not consciously chosen...". Friedrich Glasl

Expanding one's options, overcoming biographically and culturally trained reactions.


Complementary Workshops and Contents

Following trainings complement and expand the content of Nonviolent Communication while incorporating similar values and stances.

Dynamic Facilitation

This facilitation method is suitable for teams or groups that are facing difficult questions or situations for which no single person has the answer or solution. The context is too complex or the participants are too emotionally charged. Dynamic Facilitation is probably the most simple and effective methodology for creating breakthrough solutions in teams or groups in which people don't know each other.


Systemic Consensing
german: Systemisches Konsensieren

In majority decisions, the intelligence of the parties involved is used against each other. Through the SK principle (Systemic Consensus) and its process, the intelligence of the parties is brought together to develop solutions and recommendations. The key feature is that the resistance to solutions is measured. This provides the most information about the level of acceptance. As a result,  Systemic Consensing is more likely to lead to constructive behaviour by all parties because the aim is to increase the acceptance of the proposals. Systemic Consensus building enables joint decision-making or decision preparation.

For whom
- For teams that want to develop the most viable solutions together
- For schools that want to use effective decision-making procedures
- For communities that want to involve the population and use their experiential knowledge

90-120 min.
(short input, application experience, evaluation, transfer)


The Power of
the Positive No
based on the work of William Ury

"Before you say 'yes' to others, make sure you don't say 'no' to yourself."
How do we stand up for what we want and say "no" to a request from a person or situation without hurting relationships? This seminar breaks through culturally conditioned patterns and significantly expands our communication and impact.


Relationship Sets
You Free
Workshop inspired by
John und Julie Gottman, Bruce Tift,  and others

Nowhere do we reach our limits as much as in an intimate relationship. We come up against our "neurotic organization", so to speak. Based on our early experiences in life we organize ourselves and our relationships around our fears and wounds. The aim of this one-day workshop is to expand our options while strengthening our relationship.


Partners and Trainings Internationally

Dynamic Facilitation - Jim Rough
Diapraxis - Rosa Zubizarreta
Co-Intelligence Institute - Tom Atlee
Art of Hosting Trainings und Information