
Jason Diceman, comment on website:
"Beautiful new site, Tom and Martin. Thank you for your ongoing contributions to the field of participatory democracy.

Daniel Doherty, comment on website:
"Nicely done Tom and Martin. A pattern language surfaces the essential qualities of a thing, and what better than to apply this to democracy so that more people can work wisely and directly to sustain it…from interpersonal relationships to international relations."


  • AIDS Prevention Switzerland
  • Amnesty International Schweiz
  • Teacher Training Organizations and Colleges Bern, Stuttgart, Bad Boll ...
  • SAP Schweiz
  • Schäfer & Breuss in Bremen/Wien
    (Citizen Assembly on Environmental and Climate Issues for the german Ministry or Environment)
  • Office for Future Related Issues in Bregenz Vorarlberg (Austria)
  • College for Care Professionals Aarau, Bern, Zürich
  • University Konstanz - Economy Students
  • Caritas Bern
  • Center for Wise Democracy in USA
  • Co-Intelligence Institute in USA
  • Decathlon in Stuttgart (Discounter for sports equipment)
  • German Society for Supervision (DGSv) und Pastoral Psychology (DGfP)
  • EWB - Energy Water Bern
  • Filmwerk in Vorarlberg - Association for Professionals in the Filmindustry
  • Beetz Brothers Film Production Berlin - Participation project and TV show design
  • Laboratory for Water and Air Quality of the State of Schaffhausen
  • Court District Constance Germany
  • Lazi Akademie in Esslingen - Academy for Photo, Graphic and Film Professionals
  • MAZ - Swiss School of Journalism
  • Network Grenchen - Job Integration Services
  • Network Progressive Churches
  • Pharmacyclics Schaffhausen (Abbvie Group Silicon Valley)
  • Pfarrei Maria Lourdes - Church in Zurich
  • Swiss Network for Care Professionals
  • SBB Bern (National Railway Services Switzerland)
  • Hospitals Langnau, Affoltern am Albis, and others
  • Spitex - Senior Care Agency - Biel-Bienne
  • Swissmechanic - Swiss Professional Association for Maschine, Electric and Metal Industries
  • ZAPP and Red Cross - Center for Palliative Medicine Ben